PLASTIKOPHOBIA is the first large-scale international collaboration by the Sustainable Singapore Gallery, High Commission of Canada, City Development Limited (CDL), artists Von Wong and Joshua Goh.  Teaming up to build an experiential art piece in Singapore to illustrate the feeling of “Plastikophobia” – the fear of plastics.comprises two key elements: an immersive and interactive installation by Canadian artist Von Wong and impact designer Laura Francois, made from thousands of plastic cups recovered from local food stalls in Singapore to evoke the feeling of Plastkophobia.

The initiative is being held in alignment with Singapore’s Year Toward Zero Waste, and World Wildlife Day, for which the 2019 theme is, ‘Life below water: for people and planet’.

The project mobilized 26 traditional Singaporean hawker food courts to collect the plastic drink cups that were left on tables and not used for ‘take away’. The cups were sorted and washed by volunteers and would become the basis for the installation. The project calls into question the ‘take away’ culture in Singapore, and explores alternatives to facilitate the transition towards a circular economy.

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